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  3. Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Waste

Chemical Teatment of Hazardous Waste

Chemical treatment involves using chemical agents to break down hazardous components in medical waste into less harmful or harmless substances. This method plays a crucial role in reducing biohazardousness, volume, and weight of medical waste, ensuring its safe disposal. The main function of chemical degradation agents is to chemically react with specific substances in biological waste, breaking them down into harmless or less harmful substances. For example, certain strong oxidizers can oxidize and decompose organic pollutants in medical or biological waste into carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic salts.

Types of Chemical Treatment for Different Hazardous Wastes

Chlorine-containing Disinfectants
(e.g., Sodium Hypochlorite)


Immerse waste in a 1000-2000mg/L chlorine solution for at least 30 minutes.


Oxidizes and decomposes pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, by disrupting their proteins and nucleic acids.

Peroxyacetic Acid


Immerse medical waste in a 0.2%-0.5% peroxyacetic acid solution for 1-2 hours.


A potent oxidizing agent that decomposes microorganisms, efficiently killing germs, viruses, and spores.

Formalin Immersion


Immerse tissue specimens in a 10% formalin solution for at least 24 hours.


Denatures proteins, preventing tissue decomposition and providing a degree of disinfection.



Immerse pathological waste in 2% glutaraldehyde for 6-12 hours.


Cross-links proteins and nucleic acids, inactivating pathogens and preserving the tissue.

Acid-Base Neutralization


Neutralize acidic waste with alkaline substances (e.g., sodium hydroxide) or alkaline waste with acid (e.g., sulfuric acid).


Reduces corrosiveness and toxicity, rendering the waste safer for disposal.

Redox Method


Use oxidizing agents like sodium hypochlorite or chlorine dioxide to treat waste with reducing properties (e.g., cyanide-containing waste).


Oxidizes toxic substances into non-toxic byproducts like nitrogen and carbonates.

Requirements for Chemical Treatment Vessels


Containers should be corrosion-resistant, such as glass or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for acidic or alkaline waste, and stainless steel for high-temperature treatments.

Temperature Resistance

Containers should withstand temperatures up to 134°C for sterilization processes.


Containers must be tightly sealed to prevent leakage of harmful substances, especially for volatile chemicals like chlorine and peroxyacetic acid.


Properly label containers with waste type, chemical treatment method, and associated hazard warnings.

Benefits of Chemical Treatment

Protects Operator Safety

Prevents direct exposure to hazardous chemicals or pathogens in medical waste, reducing risks like poisoning and infection.

Prevents Accidents

Avoids dangerous reactions, such as uncontrolled mixing of acids and alkalis, which can cause heat release or toxic gas production.

Minimizes Environmental Pollution

Properly sealed containers ensure that toxic chemicals do not leak into the environment, protecting water, soil, and air quality.

Standardizes Treatment Process

Clearly marked and properly handled containers ensure that chemical treatments are applied consistently, improving treatment efficiency and quality.

Procedure for Chemical Treatment

Collection and Labeling

Use specialized, appropriately labeled containers for each type of medical waste (e.g., yellow for infectious waste).


Some waste may require pre-treatment (e.g., dewatering liquids) to improve the efficiency of chemical treatment.

Chemical Treatment

Select the appropriate chemical reagents based on waste type.(e.g., chlorine for infectious waste, formalin for pathological waste).
Apply the correct concentration and exposure time for optimal disinfection and breakdown.

Protective Gear

Operators must wear safety equipment such as gloves, goggles, and masks to prevent exposure to hazardous substances.

Monitoring and Adjustment

Continuously monitor treatment conditions (e.g., temperature, pressure) and immediately halt the process if any anomalies arise.

Precautions During Use and Operation

Operator Safety

Always adhere to safety procedures when using chemical reagents, especially those that are toxic, corrosive, or irritating (e.g., ethylene oxide or peroxyacetic acid).

Chemical Reagent Management

Store chemicals properly, keeping them in controlled environments to prevent degradation or accidents. Reagents should be handled carefully during transport and use to avoid spillage or overuse.

Maintenance des équipements

Regularly inspect treatment vessels, pipes, seals, and other components for damage. Ensure that operating parameters like temperature, pressure, and flow rate are properly monitored.

Disposal After Chemical Treatment


Test the treated waste to ensure it meets safety standards. Microbiological and chemical tests can confirm the absence of harmful pathogens or excessive chemical residues.

Container Disposal

After use, containers for chemical reagents should be cleaned and properly disposed of. Plastic containers can be recycled if clean, while glass containers should be cleaned or treated as glass waste.

Élimination définitive

Waste that meets safety standards can be disposed of through landfill or incineration. If the standards are not met, re-evaluate and adjust treatment parameters or methods.

Key Considerations for Choosing Chemical Treatment Products

Treatment Effectiveness

Evaluate the efficacy of chemical treatment methods based on the type of medical waste and the required disinfection levels. Check product test reports or performance data.


Choose products with low secondary pollution risks. Ensure that chemical reagents are stable and unlikely to cause dangerous reactions during treatment.


Balance the cost of chemical treatments with their effectiveness and safety. Select products that offer good value without compromising on quality.


Ensure that the chemical treatment reagents are compatible with the type of medical waste being processed to achieve the desired breakdown.

International Standards and Regulations

Lignes directrices de l'OMS

WHO emphasizes the need for safe, effective, and environmentally friendly methods of medical waste treatment. Chemical treatments should ensure the complete inactivation of pathogens while minimizing environmental impact.

Chinese Regulations

China’s Règlement sur la gestion des déchets médicaux set out strict standards for medical waste treatment facilities, including requirements for chemical treatment, equipment, and operator qualifications.


Biosafe offre une gamme complète de produits de haute qualité, soutenue par 16 ans d'expertise industrielle. Nous excellons dans la compréhension des réglementations mondiales, dans la fourniture de solutions sur mesure et dans la prestation d'un service après-vente fiable grâce à notre réseau d'ingénieurs locaux.

Tous nos produits sont soumis à des contrôles de qualité rigoureux et sont certifiés CE, ce qui garantit qu'ils respectent et dépassent les normes réglementaires mondiales. Notre connaissance approfondie des lois internationales nous permet de guider nos clients en matière de conformité, quel que soit l'endroit où ils opèrent.

Oui, Biosafe dispose d'un stock important et propose des livraisons rapides, y compris des services porte-à-porte. Nous comprenons l'urgence de la gestion des déchets médicaux et sommes équipés pour fournir une assistance rapide lorsque vous en avez le plus besoin.

Notre engagement à satisfaire nos clients ne s'arrête pas à la vente. Nous fournissons une assistance permanente par l'intermédiaire de nos ingénieurs locaux, afin de garantir la résolution rapide de tout problème. Nous offrons également des conseils pour aider nos clients à tirer le meilleur parti de nos produits et solutions.

Biosafe possède une vaste expérience dans l'assistance aux clients dans le cadre d'appels d'offres pour des produits médicaux. Nous fournissons des conseils d'experts sur la sélection des produits, la documentation de conformité et des solutions sur mesure pour répondre aux exigences spécifiques de chaque appel d'offres, aidant ainsi nos clients à réussir dans les processus d'appels d'offres concurrentiels.

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